Chicken town is part of a conceptual cohesive campaign for an event celebrating the cultural sustainability of my local area, highlighting the work of John Cooper Clark through a range of advertising and promotional materials that will engage, excite and attract potential visitors to the festival, helping these potential visitors understand the background and context of John Cooper Clark’s work, and use any opportunity to illustrate wider, positive cultural history of Salford.
Like most projects I started out by generating some ideas, as well as taking some photographs I might use later on
Although i might not use every photograph I take id like to think that one day I can look back on my photo archives and see a new photo that takes me down a whole different rout or at least I have some polaroid and photos of the time people I love gathered together to take photos wearing a chicken head.
These are some front and back options for a leaflet based on some of the thumbnail sketches I produced. In the end I didn’t include these in the end however I took the techniques and work process and applied it to my final designs in the end
I settled for this layout, and decided that each poster would have the same typographical layout just a different image in the centre which really was just for visual interest as well as if these where to be used as flyers it would serve as a collection item
There was a push for branded apparel in this project its mainly a biproduct of my other designs and servers to enhance the build up of getting people excited for the event, so they might not be the best designs i’ve produced and I think with more time they could be great but I think for what they are they work
For this project I had to chose what designs I would use for my final display, and so many of my other design and other assets where not used, here’s the less notable designs and resources I produced during this project.
these are not rejected ideas however they are the logo variations i used for this project, I haven’t put them in the spotlight as the focus of this project wasn’t the logo design