Quick Dipz is a conceptual project that explores the idea that Pringles, the stack able potato-­‐based crisps brand undertook a major graphic re brand for the first time in 20 years As part of this process of modernization, Pringles are going to market with a new product line –working title QuickDipz–that combines their crisps with flavored dips.

I Am quite new to blender and so i don’t yet know the best way to work within this software but this is my process start to finish.

I wasn’t too sure of what direction I wanted to go with the packaging and so i started out by getting some basic shapes down that I could expand on, I later focused on promotional packaging that Functions to gain awareness about their new sister brand “quick dipz”

I chose to focus my flavours in the east Asian country japan and took inspiration from a tori gate, which is a traditional Japanses’s gate most commonly found at and in Shinto shines where it marks the transition from our plain of existence to something higher and I really thought this symbolism would be great for promotional packaging as well as bringing some culturally significant imagery to those that might not know about it, this is the early bones of the packaging but before I expanded it I tried to figure out some scene I could use for posters , social media posts as well as adverts, though I didn’t use them in the end it helped me understand some more about the software blender

For the dip wrap I had went for a very simple route and drew out some illustrations of the ingrediencies that are used to make ponzu sauce, I wanted a universal way of knowing what this sauce is made out of without being able to read it , I did intend to add brail in my 3d production however I wasn’t able to seek out a reliable source to help me translate my text into brail that would make sense to those that are visually impaired

I wasn’t too sure of the shape I was looking for , so I tried some different shapes, in the end i went with the thinness of the hexagon design but chose to have it circular

Now that i had my pringles and dip design i was able to bring them back to my tori gate design and could start finishing the promotional packaging and experiment with display scenes

I made two short clips that would be used on social media like Instagram, tic tok, YouTube ads etc, and because I am new to blender it wasn’t possible for me with my current skills to make a super complex scene with cool cinematic shots however I think with my basic knowledge I achieved something that I personally am proud of


Playing Cards


Chicken Town